Friday, October 31, 2008

Double Standards

I have been very frustrated lately with the political views that have been flying around Facebook, forwards and the like. At first I didn't think much of it, but then as I noticed all the views being expressed were basically one sided, and that they were bashing those who believed differently, it really began to bother me. I brought the subject up with Craig last night and felt my blood pressure go up. I said that I was at the point where I wanted to speak up on Facebook, that someone needed to represent the other side. But I figured my blog would be a good place to get my feelings out on the subject.

If someone wants to support something they believe in, I believe that is their right. What I don't understand, is people saying that others are not "tolerant" when they themselves are not "tolerant" of those people they are speaking about. If I choose to believe that abortion or a gay life style is wrong, does that make me intolerant? Or does that mean that I believe the Bible to be 100% true? The Word of God. That I don't pick and choose what I want to be true out of the Bible and ignore the rest. That when He says that marriage should be between a man and a woman, I follow that. And when He says that we should not kill, I follow that. Just as I should follow other things like loving my neighbors, not lying, caring for the poor...are those things wrong as well? I know that those commandments fall under the "politically correct" section but the others do not.

And I know there are extremist. Those who choose to take things way too far and instead of showing love, they show hate. And that is not biblical. That is not what Jesus did when He was on earth and not what He would want us to do now. Although He does not condone same sex relationships, He would not have us hate those that are gay. We are to love our brothers gay or straight. If a women has an abortion, we are not to hate her. We don't have to agree with it, but we need to show her love.

So for those who seem to think it's OK to call me intolerant, stupid, unbelievable, uneducated, etc., I would just like to ask what that makes you?


Anonymous said...

I concur. Very well said. :)

Anonymous said...

I would never call you intolerant, uneducated, or ignorant. And I can respect that we have different opinions.

Andrea said...

Ooh, I'm sorry if it was my Facebook note that angered you. I knew it might anger some friends, but like you, I'd had enough with bottling it up and had to speak my peace. For what it's worth, I would never call you intolerant or ignorant or any of the other insults. I enjoy reading your views even if I disagree, and I respect your opinions. Politics brings out such an emotional side. I can't wait for all of this election business to be over with already!! We're cool, right?? **hugs**

Heidi said...

Love to all 3 of you Susie, Melinda and Andrea!!