I'm not sure what to do with myself right now so I thought I would write. I am so tired all the things I know I could be doing or should be doing just don't sound appealing. The kids are napping/ resting so I probably should be too. Only problem with that is that Tyler is in my bed! So here I sit (on a birthing ball) so tired I can hardly hold my head up. Reason for that besides being 37 weeks pregnant? I keep waking up between 2 and 3 every morning and can't go back to sleep!!! I haven't had more then 4 hours of straight sleep in I don't know how long. It is really starting to take it's toll. And I wonder how I will manage when the baby is here.
I had another Dr appointment yesterday. I saw Dr. Lin for the first time. Another ultrasound was also performed. The whole experience was a bit disapointing for me this week and put me more on edge. My fluid count a few weeks ago was 16 which was really great. Yesterday it messured at 10, not so great. From my past history I know that above 8 is still "normal range" and getting near 5 is cause for alarm. Anything below usually requires immediate attention. With Tyler and Zachary the fluid hung around 10 a lot at this point which is the cause of my alarm. I was just so bummed to hear it had dropped so much. It was in week 39 that the fluid went to almost nothing in the past, which helped found my theory of why I didn't lose all my fluid with Jacob. He was born earlier in week 38. The baby was measuring about 5 1/2 to maybe 6 pounds according to the techs measurements and 6 1/2 is average for 37 weeks. I don't take a lot of stock in those measurements as they tend to be wrong but usually they over estimate the weight so I'm hoping she is still growing fine.
As for the Dr. appointment, not much new. She checked me and I am still all closed up. No full moon help for me! When my belly was measured last week, Dr. Gray measured right on at 36 at 36 weeks. This week Dr. Lin measured me at 35 (should be 37) so she thinks the baby dropped. I have had a lot of pelvic pressure and the ultrasound tech confirmed her head is very low but I felt that way at my appointment last week as well. I'm just trying not to worry that she has stopped growing! I will be relieved to see Dr. Gray again next week and once again get the fluid checked. That just seems so far away! I am definitely hoping to not even need that Friday appointment! New ideal time would be to start labor after Zachary is out of school Monday as Dr. Gray will be at the hospital that day! If only we could plan these things ourselves! And on a side note, the Group B test came back negative...yay for that!
So a ticking time bomb I remain until who knows when! I am getting so scared of what's to come! I just want it over with so we can move out of this "waiting phase" and into the next phase of adjustment. Hopefully not too much longer.....
oh i'm with you... looking around at a dirty house and thinking, 'i just can't pick that up.' but today i hit my wall, i couldn't stand looking at it anymore, so i went to town...and now i'm paying the price! i worry too...for different reasons, but i do. i too long for 'the other side'. although i know it will have challenges of it's own. hang in there, we're in it together, though over 2000 miles away!
Hang in there Heidi! Soon it will all just be a memory and you'll be holding your little girl. You've got lots of prayer behind you!!! :)
Hang in there Heidi! I know the wait is long and stressful. Try to relax and get some sleep so you won't be too exhausted for labor. I had similar insomnia and stress of the waiting with Wyatt and I was so tired towards the end of my labor that I wanted to sleep between contractions! (NOT good.) We are praying for a safe duration of this pregnancy and that Lexie will enter this world a happy healthy baby, with a happy healthy mama! :O) I am praying for God's perfect timing.
Sorry this is stressing you out! Hang in there, you'll get through it all. If God can bring you to it, he can bring you through it! I liked Dr. Lin, she delivered Connor. She's really nice! I didn't get much sleep either toward the end and just when I thought that I just couldn't take it any more Connor arrived! Call me if you need anything at all!
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