Thursday, September 04, 2008

Growing Like Weeds...

That's my boys. Getting bigger everyday. I still can't believe Tyler is in First grade even though he has been for about six weeks now. And how well he reads. After I picked him up from school today, we sat on the couch and he proceeded to read me book after book...when did that happen?

And last night, my "baby", decided on his own to use the potty! He walked right over, sat down and went! Up until then he had been very clear that he wanted nothing to do with it, not even because his brothers used one (which I thought would be great motivation. Silly me with one so stubborn!)I'm not holding my breath that the rest will be so easy but it was still such a "big boy" thing to do. Before we know it, we will be out of the diaper stage for the first time in over six years. I can't even fathom it. It actually makes me sad instead of jumping for joy like I feel I should be.

And again I am reminded to enjoy them while they are so young. While we are still in this "young family" stage. Because before I know it, we will be out of this stage and onto the next.


natalie said...

your boys are SO CUTE! i loved seeing this close up!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Jakey's growing up! I can't believe he went on the potty. I'm so proud!!! How nice will that be when you don't have to buy diapers anymore. :)

Anonymous said...

P.S- Very cute picture of the boys, btw. I can't wait to see them!

Anonymous said...

Yes, it's me. I have truly enjoyed reading your blogs. You are such an expressive writer! So proud of Jacob. Hope he continues the good work.