Alexis turned 19 month a few days ago. I have been having a very hard time finding even a few minutes to write her monthly blog, so I'm just going to dive right in!
*My poor little girl has yet another ear infection. Seems that I am reporting this nearly every month now. As a result, the Dr did say that if this one doesn't go away, or she gets another one in the next month, she's going to need surgery. This makes me so nervous and sad. Zachary did have tubes put in, and they did help tremendously, but I really want to avoid putting her under! A friend did suggest blocking the water from getting in her ears during bath. She did this with her daughter who was having chronic ear infections and there was a huge improvement. So the ear plugs will be going in during bath and this gives me a spark of hope!
*I was surprised to find that she barely weighed 21 pounds with her clothes on. I guess I shouldn't have been since she's still in size 3 diapers that do not seem to be getting any snugger.
*She has been boycotting almost all the foods that she used to eat. I'm so bummed about this because she was just shaping up to be my best eater yet! She takes her food and chucks it on the floor and then just stares you down. We now have another one to do the food battle with and I'm not sure I have the strength left in me to go for round 4!! (I'll find it somewhere for her sake!)
*She absolutely loves to play! All day long moving from toy to toy. She is so good at playing on her own. She babbles along while she plays with a doll or one of her new favorites this month "The Little Einstein's Rocket". She has so many toys to choose from being the 4th child and she sure does enjoy them! It's really cute to watch her.
*If you had told me during the first months of her life that she was going to be an amazing sleeper....I would have laughed. Seriously. But she is such a good sleeper now! She will even ask for it sometimes by grabbing her blankie, going over to her crib and saying, "Nigh, Nigh? Nigh, nigh?" When we put her down for naps and bedtime she almost always, very willingly, goes right to sleep. Sigh. It's awesome!
*She's doing better with leaving her hair ponies in. She will almost always instantly rip them out in the car but while out and about she usually will leave them in for awhile. When I put them in I tell her how pretty and beautiful she looks and she seems good with that! The other day she grabbed a bow and asked me to put it in....made my heart happy! I'm so enjoying having a girl!
*She still likes to say "hi" to all the friends that are up on shelves along the top of her walls. We say hi to the bears, and then the other bears, and then to each one of her princess dolls who she loves me to say by name. She is very intent on learning all of the Disney Princess names and loves for us to say them over and over in books or wherever she see them!
*Her vocabulary has increased so much there are too many words to write. She will try and repeat many things that we say. Like this morning when I was telling her she was beautiful...she repeated me!
She's thrown a couple crazy-all-out-throw-yourself-on-the-floor fits but for the most part is pretty pleasant. She still likes to get in the cabinets and is always bringing me snacks she finds and saying, "Pease? Pease??" It's pretty hard to resist! We are all truly enjoying every day with our baby girl!