It is a rare moment that Alexis is sleeping...and not in my arms! She wouldn't stay asleep in her bed so I had to swaddle her, lay her next to me on our bed and she fell asleep with me next to her while I folded laundry. I'm sure I don't have much time but wanted to get a few things down about Alexis at one month old!
Alexis is a high need baby. My most high need yet. I keep saying that she must not have gotten the memo that a 4th child must be easy, and know that they are a 4th. She wants to be held ALL of the time and let's you know it.
Alexis needs to be swaddled a good part of the day. Her arms get her all worked up and the only way to calm them, is to be swaddled.
Alexis has become much more alert. She will have more periods during the day where she can be calm and look at the world around her.
Alexis is still in Newborn clothes and diapers. She's a tiny little thing! I keep searching through her outfits to find things that will fit! Thankfully a few 0-3 month things shrunk enough to fit her!
Alexis sleeps well during the first part of the night. Eats around 10-10:30 and wakes up again around 2-3:30. After that, she is usually restless and ends up sleeping in daddy's arms. We are really hoping to pack some weight on her so she can make it longer stretches at night. We were very spoiled by our first 3 that were mostly sleeping through every night within the first few weeks!
Alexis loves to be cuddled and warm hence the constant holding! Diaper changes need to be quick, and don't leave her naked! She loves to hang out in the Bjorn as well.
Alexis did not like baths very well until her last one which was given in the afternoon. She gets fussier as the day goes on and we had been giving her baths at night. She had cried through all of those but did much better with the earlier bath time. Hopefully that will stick!
Alexis likes to bounce on the birthing ball. I find this really funny. I bounced on that ball for hours everyday the last month or so of pregnancy. She must find comfort from that familiar motion felt in utero!
Alexis is very gassy, poor girl! And boy does it smell!! And she only has a bowel movement every few days which is completely different then her brothers who went about 10 times a day!
Alexis has 3 brothers who absolutely adore her! They constantly ask to hold her, kiss her and just love on her! Jacob sings her Twinkle Little Star whenever she is upset. They help put her paci back in, throw away diapers, anything they can to be involved!
I can't believe that she will be 5 weeks old tonight! I love her silky soft skin. Her cute little lips and soft head! I still am in shock that I have a daughter! She is an amazing baby girl!
sophia has the outfit that alexis is wearing in the picture, she wore it yesterday. they sound similar...bjorn lovin', naked hatin', gassy girls.
She is so darn cute! It was so good to chat tonight and get to see her. Hopefully this fussy stage will pass quickly! Like I always told Bella, t's a good thing they're cute. :)
Sounds like my Ross. I know just how hard it is. The emotional drain is so exhausting. I found Baby Bliss Gripe Water to help a bit(Walgreen's carries it.) Have you tried cutting Dairy products, (fyi eggs are not dairy), onions, and Soy, out of your diet. That too, seemed to help Ross. Ross is doing much better. By better I mean only one fit a day; and that has certainly helped me. I dont lose it now when he does. I know it is hard, exhausting, emotinally draining. Try to call someone to come visit and maybe hold her while you get some peace. Joel takes Ross for walks in the yard so I can revamp and not hear the faint sounds of his cries.
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