Yesterday we had a day of appointments. We saw my Dr. first and he found the heartbeat again immediately. He said it was nice and strong and around 140 beats a minute. He explained their ultrasound policies and let us know you don't leave the office without knowing if all is well....very nice to hear! Then we went next door to see our baby! I was very nervous about many things...would she still be a she? Would the baby be healthy with all parts in place? Would she be growing right? Thanks to God who calmed my fears!! Our baby is indeed 100% a girl!!! When I asked if she was sure, she said she was positive and had achieved text book proof! Very reassuring! She also said all of her organs look good. She is weighing about 6 oz which is right on target. And she has all her fingers and toes! YAY!!
As far as the babies personality, so far she seems to be a sweetie and pretty calm. At this stage we remember Tyler doing flips and other amazing acrobatics. This little one seems to have gentle movements. When the tech began to press down on my tummy, she immediately tried to get away from the pressure! She was also sucking her thumb which we have never seen with the boys. The more the tech probed her, the more she tried to get away until the tech said she had balled herself up into a corner...poor baby! She kept trying to search for her thumb again to be comforted. Hopefully she got it again when the poking stopped!
So now I need to continue to rely on God to get us through the rest of this pregnancy. As for my health, I have seen a big jump of improvement this past week. My general practitioner put me on a hefty dose of iron when I realized there had to be something more dragging me down. She said it would take about a week if it was going to work and THANK GOD I started noticing a difference at the week mark. I am now able to get around the house more, help with some of the chores and not be stuck in bed all day! I am still on Zofran and food is the enemy. I am praying for that to change sometime soon as well!
On another note, we were supposed to have gone to Colorado to meet baby Bella two weeks ago. It had been planned since I found out Susie was pregnant so I was crushed when the trip had to be delayed. At that point there was just no way I could have made the trip. Thankfully, the iron has kicked in and we are heading out this Friday! It will be interesting to come up with things to eat on the road! We will be packing a nice sized cooler! But all of us are in great anticipation of finally seeing that sweet baby and congratulating the lucky parent's in person! I'm sure I will return with many pictures to share!
Thanks again for all of the enthusiasm about our little girl...makes me one happy mama!
These pictures were not nearly as good as the first batch! But here are a few of our baby girl! =0)
This one was a lot of fun!! The tech said, "This is your 4th right?" and than said, "look she's holding up 4 fingers as if saying I'm #4!!" =0)
And one of our girl shots.
This past weekend at Hillary's baby shower!