The weather has been beautiful! Yesterday afternoon we decided to enjoy it and play outside. Our backyard has yet to be landscaped so we have lot's and lot's of dirt. Of course the boys love it! Especially Jacob. He likes to get right in there, really dig his finger nails in (literally!) So after about an hour or so of great fun, they were covered head to toe with backyard! That resulted in fun of another type. Bath time! I love seeing all 3 of my little guys lined up in the tub! And they could stay in the water forever...their little skin turning all wrinkly! Mmmm, and the way they smell when they first get out...wonderful!
It's had been a long time since I had seen the bath water so brown!
Good timing and angles BTW... Jakey's arm is strategically placed in the shot with the three of them ;)
Take the naked shots while you can! They are awfully cute.
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